A long week back at work

And I’m so glad that the weekend is almost upon us.

It’s been tolerable from the memories of Prague last week, still buzzing from the good times spent there. We managed to pack so much into such a tight timeframe, that I’m still recalling episodes and surprising myself on just how much we got up too. And added to that was the pleasure in sharing knowledge of my own earlier experiences and discoveries to friends who went with us. I think that’s encouraged them to go again in the future. I’ve had an invite to go back later this year – to an event at Bila Hora – but alas, it clashes with existing commitments. But maybe next year, if the invitation remains open.

It was odd that while I was out there, my work contacted me with the anticipated ‘redundancy info’. Thankfully there were no dreadful howling mistakes – much of it was what I was expecting. Quelle surprise.

So in addition to catching up on last week’s work intake, I’ve had that to scrutinise all that as well, including pensions. Why is such a simple concept made so complex and confusing. Still, I’m learning plenty and fast too. Added to that is the current work too, the usual trials and tribulations that come with any major procedural change, trying to explain impact assessment and risk to those in charge who should  – but don’t – have some appreciation on those necessary actions. With a finite amount of time remaining, double-handling and triple-handling the same work does get a tad exasperating.

I am lucky however. I can see away out of the vile gloomy fog of Limbo that we’ve all been trapped in for the past 15 months. And from what I’ve briefly glimpsed up ahead, there’s wide open horizons, bright blue skies and sunshine, and bundles of common sense.


Author: taggb

UK-based, gaming and writing, and generally aiming to get back to being more creative.

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